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Service Pricing

Take your Advertise to next level

It is beautifully designed in a very smart way to bring the best user experience that you will love.

Inside & resorces to help drive your business

Our SEO and SEM Expert team will help you to create ads as per your business profile as per your sales revenue 

Creative work

Our Recent Work

Facebook Ads Agency Services

Our comprehensive Facebook ad services are designed to drive conversions now and in the future: 

Increase Revenue with an Experienced Facebook Ad Team

  • Existing account audit
  • Conversion tracking setup
  • Remarketing list segmentation
  • Granular audience ad groups
  • Bidding strategy
  • Adcopywriting and testing
  • Geographic bid adjustments
  • New keyword expansions
  • Custom reporting dashboard
  • Landing page design and build
  • Conversion rate optimization
  • Facebook Product Feed setup
  • Negative keyword additions
  • Sales level tracking
  • Shared Slack channel
  • Bi-Weekly review meetings
  • Strategic quarterly reviews

Pricing Plan

No Hidden Charges! Choose Your Pricing Plan.

Startup plan

Facebook Ads Funnel 

  • 2 Ads Campaign
  • 3 Ads Set 
  • 4 Ads Creative
  • Banner Creation
  • Landing Page Optimize
  • Ad Optimize
  • Retargeting
  • Retracking Strategy ad
  • Audience Creation
  • Audience Filter Strategies
  • 2 Types of Ads Category

Growth plan

Facebook Ads Funnel 

  • 4 Ads Campaign
  • 6 Ads Set 
  • 8 Ads Creative
  • Banner Creation
  • carousal Ad Creation
  • Video Ads Creation
  • Landing Page Optimize
  • Ad Optimize
  • Retargeting
  • Retracking Strategy ad
  • Audience Creation
  • Audience Filter Strategies
  • 4 Types of Ads Category


Facebook Ads Funnel 

  • 4 Ads Campaign
  • 6 Ads Set 
  • 8 Ads Creative
  • Banner Creation
  • carousal Ad Creation
  • Video Ads Creation
  • Landing Page Optimize
  • Ad Optimize
  • Retargeting
  • Retracking Strategy ad
  • Audience Creation
  • Audience Filter Strategies
  • 4 Types of Ads Category
  • Ads audit
  • landing page audit and creation
  • Monthly ads setup on Requirement
  • Monthly Audience Filter and Setup
  • Budget optimize and set on low

View some of our work and case studies for clients. We will work to deliver that strategy by building out your existing campaigns, or establishing accounts at new networks. It’s important to us that you.

John Abres Creative Manager

View some of our work and case studies for clients. We will work to deliver that strategy by building out your existing campaigns, or establishing accounts at new networks. It’s important to us that you.

Mark Jhon Designer

View some of our work and case studies for clients. We will work to deliver that strategy by building out your existing campaigns, or establishing accounts at new networks. It’s important to us that you.

Stive Smith Manager